Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Open Mic Welcomes Rough Riders

Sources in Oklahoma City say a ballot issue being voted on today — designed to bring the Seattle Sonics to Oklahoma — may not generate enough funds to get the Sonics all the way to Oklahoma City. Sonics owner Clay Bennett says he will attempt to bring the franchise somewhere in between Oklahoma City and Seattle — perhaps Jackson Hole, Wyoming. “We think that might be the best of both worlds, “Bennett says,” since real NBA fans are quite prepared to pay more for parking and a cup of beer than what it takes to commute to Jackson Hole for 81 games.”
Seattle Mayor Greg Nickles says the Sonics must stay in Seattle “even if we have to expand the Seattle city limits into Wyoming.” Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett says even though Oklahoma City has cheaper gasoline than Seattle, the city’s roughnecks are likely to object to traveling to Wyoming unless they can be assured of making the trip without worrying about a DUI.
Meanwhile, Senator John McCain, assured of enough delegates to become the presumptive GOP nominee says he welcomes the endorsement of the current President of the United States — even though the latter’s poll numbers are among the lowest for an incumbent in history. McCain says he shares a lot with the current holder of the office, “not the least of these is Teddy Roosevelt’s successful environmental record, and his military precision as a Rough Rider.”
Do you think an open mic night is pretty rough riding? Perhaps you’ve thought about giving it a try in front of the majestic warmth of the Mainstage Comedy and Music Club. Whether you “Remember the Maine” or don’t remember what you had for breakfast this morning, the evening’s host Derek Sheen will guide you through the bells and whistles of an open mic any Tuesday on which you show. If you’re obviously from Oklahoma City, however, you might want to be careful crossing the street to Key Arena.

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