Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Todd Sawyer: Your Laughs Count!

Barrack Obama says he will allow Clinton delegates in Florida and Michigan to be seated, if the New York Senator approves a do-over election in California and New York. Obama, riding a national momentum of delegate strength that led to 12 straight victories prior to Clinton’s wins in Ohio and Texas, says he could turn around his losses in the two big states on Super Tuesday, more than making up for any Clinton delegates seated from Michigan and Florida. Obama added that he will consider other ways of adjusting the credentials of Michigan and Florida delegates. Among those are:
  • Counting votes in Michigan and Florida by early 20th-Century standards — meaning only male property owners would count.

  • Counting only the votes in Michigan of those who received a free car during a taping of the “Oprah” show..

  • Counting only the Florida votes of those who can figure out a butterfly ballot.
    Meanwhile, in the state of Washington, initiative guru Tim Eyman is reportedly considering a measure that would bar the counting of any ballots cast by Democrats on a Tuesday. Asked if that was constitutional, Eyman responded “of course, especially under the post-Bush constitution.”
    Do you have a regular weekend constitutional? Are Friday and Saturday nights a time to break out of the workday prison that surrounds you? You have the right to remain silent — except for bursts of laughter, and anything you emote or yell out at a Mainstage Comedy and Music Club show may be broadcast live on the Internet through This weekend, it’s time for a Todd Sawyer do-over at the Mainstage — five shows over Thursday, Friday and Saturday — that will delegate your work thoughts to a parallel universe far, far away. Remember, your laughter counts here — even if your votes do not.
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