Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Josh Wolf: More Than A Bucket of Spit

Senator Hillary Clinton is said to be considering an invitation by presumptive GOP nominee Senator John McCain to join his ticket in the fall. The unprecedented bi-partisan ticket could be the final accomplishment in her boost of McCain throughout her protracted debate with her Democratic rival Senator Barrack Obama. “I know Sen. McCain, Senator McCain is a good friend of my husband and I, and I know that unlike my husband, Sen. McCain is the faithful type.”
Clinton would be in a good position to succeed McCain either at the end of what is likely to be a single McCain term ending in January 2013, or even earlier if the 72-old Arizona senator should go to his sunset before four years are up. McCain was reportedly once considered as a running mate for John Kerry in 2004. The former first lady has ties to the GOP in her work as a “Goldwater Girl” for another Arizona senator in 1964.
Senator Barrack Obama encouraged Clinton’s defection to the “dark side,” and immediately complimented her. “I believe she would make a far better Vice President than the incumbent,” Obama noted.
Mrs. Clinton, however, would not make an immediate comment on the VP speculation, saying her Washington, DC headquarters was currently besieged by “sniper fire,” from some of her own campaign staffers. The McCain campaign meanwhile is dispatching former Special Prosecutor Ken Starr to whisk away the Clintons on a Whitewater rafting trip during which McCain’s offer will be outlined.
When you come to Seattle’s Mainstage Comedy and Music Club you’ll never be subject to sniper fire, or raging Whitewater. Whether you’re a potential Vice President, or you consider yourself worth more than a bucket of spit, you’re guaranteed a fun evening with comic Josh Wolf this Friday or Saturday at 8 and 10:30 p.m. There are worse things to be than vice president of the United States. Just ask Wolf's children. Wolf will tell you all about them. You may forget Dad, but you'll never forget his kids. You don’t even have to look at the pictures in Wolf's wallet.

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