Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Todd Sawyer: Lobbying for More Stories

A day after winning all the delegates needed to assume the Republican nomination for President, Arizona Senator John McCain went to the White House to receive the official endorsement of the incumbent President George W. Bush. McCain’s campaign says Thursday, the septuagenarian candidate will begin looking for an assisted living facility near the White House. Friday, McCain will admit his love affair with Vicki Eiseman, a Washington lobbyist, and the pair will be seen together in his Las Vegas casino suite, where he is vacationing with the help of millions of under-the-table dollars taken from other lobbyists. “We hope what happens in Vegas will stay in Las Vegas,” the Senator remarked with two fingers raised directly behind the head of the incumbent President.
Campaign aide say McCain’s moves are designed to prove just how far the Senator can become “ a Comeback Kid.” Since the GOP campaign began more than a year ago, Arizona’s senior senator has come from being left for dead in financial bankruptcy to the achievement of winning more than 1,100 delegates to the GOP Convention in Minneapolis late this summer. Some observers, however, believe that McCain is attempting to become history's last GOP presidential candidate as a form of payback to his one-time rival, George W. Bush.
Meanwhile, in Seattle, Boeing has announced that it will change its corporate lobbyist in Washington, DC , after its failure to get a controversial government aerospace contract. “We believe Ms. Eiseman is at the top of her game right now,” Boeing executives say in a press release.

Are you tired of listening to politicians who tell you stories? Maybe it’s time to listen to Todd Sawyer tell you some of his time-tested stories from two decades of comedy. You’ve seen him all over the comedy dial, from Comedy Central to You Tube. This weekend you can see him Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Mainstage Comedy and Music Club. He’s younger than John McCain and a whole lot prettier. You don’t even have to be a lobbyist for him to talk to you.

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