Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Open Mic: Opponents Race After Obama

Sen. John McCain said it was a “senior moment” that had caused him to accidentally endorse his potential opponent in the fall’s race for President of the United States. He told Fox News reporters that his eyes were actually filled with sand pebbles from the Iraq desert when he was photographed “in tears” during Senator Barrack Obama’s Tuesday morning speech in Philadelphia on race. McCain said he shared some of Obama’s hopes for better race relations in the future, “I think it’s about time that we give colored men the right to vote, “he said. “I just hope they don’t waste it on some Democrat.”
Obama’s opponent in the Democratic primary notes that black folks simply don’t know how to answer the phone at 3 AM, since many of them are not near a telephone booth at that time. “I’ve had my own Princess telephone since I was a little girl,” Clinton said, “and I will be able to answer the phone from someone who is white, black, or Martian purple, right from Day One.”
Meanwhile, the incumbent president says he has been on the forefront of racial relations in this country throughout his career. “When I ran the Texas Rangers baseball team, I was always fair to the negroes that I bought and sold within Major League baseball.”
Comedians are at the forefront of racial progress in America. Since comedians are rarely fed or paid, they share a lot of the pain and anger that can be heard from kitchen tables to halls of worship across America. Sometimes that anger can be painful enough to make folks break out in laughter at the Mainstage Comedy and Music Club every Tuesday night. Seattle is ready to feel your pain. Step up to the microphone any Tuesday evening at 7 pm and tell your story — just try and make it funny. Or, wait a couple of hours and you can sing it out loud at the singer/songwriter open mic at 9 pm. Isn’t it time we all had a more perfect voice?

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