Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Eric Blake: A Moving Experience

A moving economy apparently will not take the time to treasure one last resting place — even if it is a 24-carat monument to regularity. But Hang Fu Jewelers in Hong Kong now threatens to flush away its holdings in an infamous toilet within its flagship store, one ball cock at a time. The jewelry giant seeks to stand and deliver its toilet wealth to massive expansion across the Chinese mainland. Spokesmen for the company say the once-unfathomable thought that a solid-gold toilet is a royal waste has now moved to the thinkable as gold prices approach £500 ($1000 US) an ounce.
Preservationists are likely to poo-poo yet another loss for mankind’s basic needs. The crapper intimidation is now listed as the #2 threat among the world’s historic monuments. Our own Ballard Denny’s is right up there with the royal crapper as evidence that world developers will stop at nothing to wipe out evidence of our natural essence. Is nothing sacred anymore?
Eric Blake’s funny is more than 24-carat gold. His stories will move you, his head is flush with stories that you’ll want to digest and gently process. Best of all, you don’t even have to go all the way to Hong Kong to reflect on his glimmer. You can see him all weekend at the Mainstage Comedy and Music Club. Shows begin at 8 pm and 10:30 pm Friday and Saturday. Sorry, the Mainstage Comedy thrones are all made of porcelain.

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