Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Eric Blake: Love Your Mother

Just a day after Illinois Senator Barrack Obama gave a major address on race, Arizona Senator John McCain quickly fired back with an address on aging. The remarks came just hours after McCain was found wandering around a Dubai shopping mall and reflecting on the great improvements that have been made on the Iraq marketplace he and Senator Joe Liebermann visited in Iraq last fall. “Look, they’ve got air conditioning now,” McCain said as he was found licking a raspberry fudge cone from a Coldstone Creamery store in the Dubai center.
He noted that as he prepares for his final days, he needs to reverse his maverick image before God. In order to do that, he needs to surround himself with an entirely new group of spiritual advisors such as John Hagee and the Rev. Rod Parsley. The two controversial pastors have made “divisive” statements regarding Catholics, gays and Islamic Muslims. “Even if I denounce their controversial statements, I could no longer separate myself from them than I could separate myself from George W. Bush who I love dearly even though he once accused me of fathering a bastard, non-white child during the 2000 primary season. “
McCain says his own aging 95-year-old mother washes out his mouth with a soap product that made me cringe” regularly and sometimes can’t remember to vote for him for the US Senate. Even with all that, he says, he still loves his mother.
Eric Blake not only loves his mother, he loves comedy audiences who see his diverse act of improvisational comedy. Eric will have five shows this weekend at the Mainstage Comedy and Music Club, at 8 pm Thursday, 8 and 10:30 pm Friday, and Saturday. The graduate of BET’s Comedy View and Galavision’s Que Loco will delight even your aging senators lost in the Middle East. Come and be healed.

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