Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cathy Sorbo: A Landmark weekend

Ballard’s kitschy, late, great Denny’s restaurant that sits as the Gateway to the traditional Scandinavian neighborhood has been declared a historic landmark. Developers seeking to turn what one observer described as “a soup can on LSD” into still another high rise condominium are seething in their Prada boots. Apparently, the board decision came after a local historian noted that the restaurant distinguished itself by going beyond the chain’s national reputation of rendering slow service to people of color. The Ballard Denny’s reportedly was the only Denny’s nationwide to snub German Lutherans.
Elsewhere, the aging presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Senator John McCain has fired his secret weapon in preparation for the possibility of going against a very young senator from Illinois in the fall. McCain has enlisted the help of the New York Times in passing rumors that he is sexually active. His “Straight Talk” express trip to the Viagra Dad vote seems contrary to his efforts at reforming the close relations that Washington politicians seem to enjoy with lobbyists. This may, however, be another effort by McCain to appeal to GOP conservatives by likening himself with the late South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond, who married a 20-something while in his 80s, and then bought a home near an elementary school.

Cathy Sorbo is all about landmarks and making history. She recently wept openly about the loss of another Ballard landmark in her weekly Seattle Post-Intelligencer column. Her comedy skates beyond the headlines and the daring feats of her beloved Rat City Rollers. She is a Seattle landmark herself, and refuses to be gentrified. This weekend she puts her game face on in five shows at the Mainstage Comedy and Music Club. Isn’t it time you lobbied that special someone in your life to roll in the aisles together? Even German Lutherans are welcome.

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