Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Open Mic: Obama Goes for Hillary´s Head

BADEN-BADEN, GERMANY — Illinois Senator Barrack Obama surprised observers today when he agreed to engage New York Senator Hillary Clinton in a 22nd debate, in this playground of kings, emperors, and 13th-century bad boys. Obama called for the debate to take place in the "Älte-Schloss," a historically restored castle from a 13th-century royal.
The castle, now a tourist attraction sits some 500 meters above Baden-Baden, high above the Black Forest. Among its features is a complete dungeon that offers visitors a traditional "last meal" as given by the resident "hangman" before the removal of one´s head. Senator Obama says the setting is perfect for the kind of "one on one" debate demanded by Senator Clinton prior to the Indiana primary on May 6. "I think the loser should offer his or her head on a platter, at the end of the debate, have one last meal, and good German beer, and that would be the end of the nomination campaign,"Obama says optimistically. "There should be no more misunderstanding... once it´s off with her head, the superdelegates are mine."
Obama confidently offered the Clinton campaign the 60 Euro admission to the Ält-Schloss dungeon, "if she´s particularly strapped."
There´s been no immediate response from the Clinton campaign, but sources say if the campaign continues much longer, both Democratic candidates may lose their heads to the Baron John McCain.
If you are in a mood to offer your head, or at least the thoughts within, don´t forget that Open Mic comedy happens every Tuesday evening at 7 pm at the Mainstage Comedy and Music Club. Go ahead, throw yourself in our delightfully funny front and center dungeon and try to hold on to your head. It´s free to get in, and free to offer your head. Save your €60 for your last meal.

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