Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Open Mic: April Fools is No Joke

President Al Gore apologized to the world today for one of the world’s most regrettable — if bipartisan — April Fool’s hoaxes. “It sounded so great at the time, “ the Nobel Laureate, Emmy, and Oscar winner told a stunned press conference Tuesday. “Everyone always accused me of being too damn serious.”
Gore says he and members of the Clinton family — along with members of the United States Supreme Court, Congress and the New York Times — conspired to “put the Republicans out of business forever” by pretending to have “the worst kind of GOP President” take office in 2001.
Gore says his initial objective was to stop the long string of elections in which America was divided, by appointing someone “so incompetent” that the American people would impeach him “in his first months of office.”
Senator Hillary Clinton had hoped by the time she ran for President in 2008, her election to succeed President Gore would be “a natural.” Gore said he assumed that he could let the American public “in on the joke” before the 2004 election, in time for his own re-election. “No one had any idea that Mr. Bush’s incompetence would reach the level it did,” Gore admitted. “ By the time he got us stuck in Iraq and made some of the appointments he did, it was becoming clear that we could never reveal the details of the joke. Everything just backfired on us.”
Gore says he is coming clean to make sure that no other politician ever tries a similar stunt. “I could just imagine what would it be like if someone put in some scary old man who wants to keep the war machine going,” Gore said. “Imagine what would happen if America missed a chance for hope and change.”
Open mic at the Mainstage Comedy and Music Club is no joke. Well, actually, it is “a joke,” sometimes even two or three. On April Fool’s Day, it is a night of the Living Fools getting up and attempting to make you laugh. You could laugh at this attempt at comedy or face four more years of the current joke in Washington, DC…
We thought you might see it our way. Be there, at 7 pm Tuesday evening for comedy or 9 pm for a music open mic.

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