Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tom Simmons: It's Deja Vu All Over Again

Seattle continues to gentrify from its working class, tree-hugging origins to the upscale, world class, espresso-sipping country club that it has become. Still, it is good to know that there is still room for mixed use. In between the multi-million-dollar “cozy” penthouses going up downtown, a little bit of Seattle heritage is quietly being squeezed in to make sure that all of Seattle’s Nuevo Rich will have a place to get their jollies. Yes, right there between the Federal Courthouse and a fancy new condo tower, will be a brand spanking new Déjà Vu Club and its 50 beautiful girls — and three ugly ones. Presumably the strip club’s motto won’t be mistaken for a feature list at the condo — or the courthouse.
Meanwhile, presumptive Republican presidential contender John McCain is hot under the collar about a picture circulating through the Internet from sources allegedly tied to the Barrack Obama campaign. McCain admitted that the picture showing him in a Civil War-era Southern confederate war uniform is authentic. He says, however, that he “was very young at the time of the war,” and he did not consider all the implications of joining the Confederate Army.
Chances are the topical humor you will experience with Tom Simmons this weekend won’t be as old as John McCain’s Civil War uniform. Imagine someone as fresh as Comedy Central, as world class as the Laughs Comedy Festival in Montreal, and someone with the courage to make soldiers laugh in Iraq.
You won’t find him at the Déjà vu — this weekend you’ll find him at the Mainstage Comedy and Music Club. His attention will be on you.

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