Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

TOM SIMMONS: Rising to a Point

The official Klu Klux Klan Web site has forcefully denied that it has endorsed the election of Barrack Obama for the office of president of the United States. The site says despite rumors to that effect on a “National Enquirer” – like Web site, the KKK has decided against violating its tradition of supporting good Christian white men who cannot trace their genealogy to the African continent. The Klan says there might have been some mix-up when its governing board sent its congratulations to the anti-Semitic OSAMA bin-Laden.
Meanwhile, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer has reported that even here in Obasmic Seattle, people of color who have a close encounter of the local law enforcement kind are far more likely to be charged with “obstruction of a police officer” while nursing injuries from that encounter. The newspaper says the “contempt of cop” charge” is eventually dropped after police complete investigations of suspects. Senator Obama, who was released 24 hours after he objected to fire marshalls closing the doors to Key Arena to thousands of additional people wanting to get in, says he appreciates his ultimate release from the King County Jail to continue his campaign. Obama says he will not return to Key Arena during the fall campaign and will move his Seattle campaign office to Oklahoma City.
Tonight, Tom Simmons moves his comedy performance to the Mainstage Comedy and Music Club — directly across the street from Key Arena. Whether you are a Grand Kleagle, a good Christian, or you use your Bible to store envelopes containing illegal substances, you’ll find that Simmons comes to a point — just like the headgear of those Obama-loving Klansmen. Come to the Mainstage Comedy Club beginning tonight at 8 pm, and continuing at 8 and 10:30 pm, Friday and Saturday. If you are a person of color, however, be careful that you don’t block the fire exits.

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