Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Greg Wilson: We Concede Nothing!

Hillary Clinton continues her refusal to concede that Barrack Obama has more testosterone in his system. “I have the popular vote and the cajones!” Clinton vowed to a startled group of men in a Manhattan steam bath, Wednesday morning. “Besides, I am married to the first black President! Michelle Obama will never be able to say that!”
While most Democrats have accepted that Barrack Obama will be the party’s candidate this fall, Clinton continues to suggest that the party might have some regrets later on. “John McCain was seen coming out of a Toastmasters meeting just days ago,” Clinton campaign officials noted,” if he strengthens his oratorical skills, the fall campaign could be over…”
Senator Clinton let it be known that she is available to serve as a vice presidential nominee for whatever candidate wins her heart. She says she needs to win a job in Washington that will give her husband “something to do,” to make sure “he ain’t misbehaving…”
“I think John McCain and I share an experience of being tortured — he by the North Vietnamese, I by the pundits of the American Press,” Clinton declared. “It’s time that we can pay back that torture to this country.”
If you’re ready to pause from the torture of the current presidential campaign, perhaps you might want to have a moment of introspection with “The Greg Wilson.” Wilson appears for five shows this weekend at the Mainstage Comedy and Music Club — 8 pm Thursday, and 8 pm and 10:30 pm Friday and Saturday. The Greg Wilson will not only demonstrate his “cajones” you’ll leave a better man — even if you came in as a woman.

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