Life at Mainstage Comedy and Music Club!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Open Mic: Save The Toilet Humor

As the forces of gentrification continue to ravage across what was once a sleepy little Boeing company town, another series of city landmarks appear headed for elimination. Seattle’s historic, early twenty-first century, homage to compassion invited visitors and colorful local residents in Pioneer Square, Capitol Hill, Pike Place Market and other locations to “just do it.”
Now, Seattle’s once-“space age” public toilets appear to have lost their effluence. The city says it is simply doing “what comes naturally.” Public utility officials say the city has already spent more than $4 million or about $20 per flush on the organic devices. Law enforcement costs to discourage close encounters of the Elliot Spitzer kind add to the city’s concern that the program is not fit for the city’s bottom line.
Still, this is a city that saves similar natural landmarks such as the Ballard Denny’s that take up more space that deserves to be replaced by penthouses. Is Seattle really that squeezed by the Charmin folks who answer the call of nature? Perhaps city planners should put their attention on a different moving experience — like what happens to the Alaska Viaduct after the next moving experience?
Are you moved by your potential as a performer? Do you like using words like “poopyhead?” Maybe you should move yourself to a Mainstage open mic with Derek Sheen any Tuesday evening at 7 pm.
Or maybe you’re one of those who just likes to watch? At the Mainstage Comedy and Music Club at least you won’t be arrested.

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